Honey & Mumford

I have completed a full Honey & Mumford questionnaire today. Unfortunately the result are unhelpful . As they only show a slight preference for one learning style.

Despite these inconclusive results I think I am  Activist and Pragmatist

Activist style

Activists like to immerse themselves fully in new experiences. They enjoy the ‘here and now’, and tend to be open minded, enthusiastic and flexible. They have a tendency to act first and consider the consequences later, and they often seek to centre activities around themselves.

Learning methods especially suited to activists include: Brainstorming Problem setting Group discussions Roleplaying

You might want to think about incorporating methods that are thought to be effective for other learning styles.

Pragmatist style

Pragmatists need to be able to see how to put the learning into practice in the real world. Abstract concepts and games are of limited use unless they can see a way to put the ideas into action. Pragmatists are likely to be experimenters, trying out new ideas, theories and techniques to see if they work. They may act quickly and confidently on ideas, getting straight to the point, and may lose patience with lengthy discussions.

Learning methods especially suited to pragmatists include:

Practicals-Case studies Problem setting Discussions

You might want to think about incorporating methods that are thought to be effective for other learning styles.


In need to 

  • I shall throw myself into new stuff, seek a wide range of different things to experience.
  • I am happy to make mistakes and have fun.I like challenges.
  • I will work with other open minded people
  • I am keen to test things
  • I am practical and realistic mostly

I have to make sure that…

  • I don’t reject things without an application, be careful theories and basic principles.
  • That I am not task orientated
  • I won’t take the obvious action without thinking or rush in without preparation.
  • I must not get bored.

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